Specialty Paving
Specialty paving is our only business, and it is backed up with over 45 years of experience, powerful high production machines, and a commitment to excellence.

Asphalt Concrete Dike
- Superior compaction
- Speeds of up to 5,000 LF per hour
- Machines designed for minimal lane requirements

A/C Shoulder
- Capable of up to 250 tons per hour
- Up to 8' wide
- APCO machines are available for either left or right side discharge (with or against traffic)

A/B Shoulder
- Capable of up to 250 tons per hour
- Up to 8' wide
- APCO machines are available for either left or right side discharge (with or against traffic)

Trench Paving
- Mechanically squeeze asphalt into trench for greater densities
- Up to 8' wide
- Production rates of up to 20,000 LF per shift

V-Ditch Paving
-V-ditch tools use state-of-the-art slipforms (no rolling required)
-Hydraulically adjustable forms to meet graderequirements
- Up to 14’ wide

Slope Paving
-Cost effective with a wide variety of available tooling
-Widths up to 22 feet wide and up to a 1:1 slope
- It beats doing it by hand